One may note that IGE also cointegrates with the Emerging Markets index fund EEM. (The chart below is the spread between 100 shares of IGE and 100 shares of EEM.)

An interesting feature emerged from this extended analysis. CL and XLE are still found to be cointegrated over this long period, albeit with a slightly lower probability (90%). However, we can see something of a regime shift around mid-2002, when CL went from generally under-valued to over-valued relative to XLE. (Even after including this regime with lower relative crude oil prices in my calculations, I still find the current spread to be undervalued by about $10,521 as of the close of Nov 17, which is near its 6-year low.)
What was the reason for this apparent shift in mid-2002? And are we in the middle of a similar regime shift in the opposite direction? Maybe our readers who have a better grasp of the economic fundamentals of the energy markets can shed light on this.
The mean-reversion of this spread is even more obvious than my plot in the earlier article. Also, with the longer history, we get a much better feel for the range of fluctuations. While the value of the spread is about -$213 as of the close of Nov 9, it can certainly go much lower before reverting, based on the highs and lows of the last 3 years.
A reader of my earlier article made an interesting comment about shorting ETF’s such as GDX and GLD. He argued that since ETF shares can be constantly created, it should not require existing shares to be borrowed for shorting. I asked Mr. Phillips of Van Eck Global about this, and he confirmed to me that a newer ETF like GDX can in fact be hard to borrow. He went on to say that the borrowing of ETF’s has nothing to do with the issuer. The issuer can indeed create an unlimited supply of the shares, but the trader still need to borrow them from his or her broker for shorting. He also told me he is currently working hard to eliminate any borrowing problems in GDX that may have existed.
John Netto, a principal in a commodities fund that focuses heavily on gold, wrote me the following concerning my article on arbitrage between gold and gold-miners: "... there is a paradox that exists in many instances with gold companies and the underlying metal, which could potentially unwind most pairs traders. This is the dynamic of non-recourse loans that companies take on when doing a project. This would never show up in a quantitative model but can put companies in a position that when gold rises, they can get hurt to some degree. Banks that do non-recourse loans require the companies to sell futures to guarantee payment for the project in case the price of gold falls. This way, they will not lose if the project no longer becomes a viable business endeavour. If gold rises, these companies must show massive mark-to-market losses on their books based on new accounting rules. So the theory that gold companies can trade correlated to the price of the underlying is correct, however a dynamic exists that has the potential on a per company basis to materially affect that."
I find Mr. Netto's comments very insightful. I would make one further point: if the mark-to-market accounting losses are temporary and will recover next quarter, we can expect their stock prices to revert. This is exactly the cointegration scenario that I talked about -- a price reversion after some period of time, but not a day-to-day or week-to-week correlation.
A reader asked me recently why I believe that energy stock prices (e.g. XLE) are correlated with crude oil futures front-month contract (QM). Actually I don’t believe they are necessarily correlated – I only think they are “cointegrated”.
What is the difference between correlation and cointegration? If XLE and QM were really correlated, when XLE goes up one day, QM would likely go up also on the same day, and vice versa. Their daily (or weekly, or monthly) returns would have risen or fallen in synchrony. But that’s not what my analysis was about. I claim that XLE and QM are cointegrated, meaning that the two price series cannot wander off in opposite directions for very long without coming back to a mean distance eventually. But it doesn’t mean that on a daily basis the two prices have to move in synchrony at all.
Two hypothetical graphs illustrate the differences. In the first graph, stock A and stock B are correlated. You can see that their prices move in the same direction almost everyday.
Stock C clearly doesn’t move in any correlated fashion with stock A: some days they move in same direction, other days opposite. Most days stock C doesn’t move at all! But notice that the spread in stock prices between C and A always return to about $1 after a while. This is a manifestation of cointegration between A and C. In this instance, a profitable trade would be to buy A and short C at around day 10, then exit both positions at around day 19. Another profitable trade would be to buy C and short A at around day 31, then closing out the positions around day 40.
Cointegration is the foundation upon which pair trading (“statistical arbitrage”) is built. If two stocks simply move in a correlated manner, there may never be any widening of the spread. Without a temporary widening of the spread in either direction, there is no opportunity to short (or buy) the spread, and no reason to expect the spread to revert to the mean either.
For further reading:
Alexander, Carol (2001). Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.